رسالة من الرئيس

أتقدم من الجميع بأطيب أمنيات التوفيق والنجاح.

من خلال عبر المتوسط للمعارض والمؤتمرات الدولية، الشركة الرائدة في تنظيم الأحداث والفعاليات التجارية المختلفة والمتنوعة، وبما يتماشى مع رؤية القيادة الحكيمة لتطوير فرص الاستثمار في الأردن، وللتعاون بين جميع القطاعات ذات الصلة التي تعمل على تسريع نمو وتطوير الأعمال في الأردن والمنطقة، يسرنا أن نكون واحدة من الشركات الداعمة والراعية للعملية التنموية ولخلق بيئة جذب استثمارية من خلال تنظيم معارض تجارية ومؤتمرات دولية متخصصة تبرز أهمية الأردن على الساحة الإقليمية والدولية.

نعمل في عبر المتوسط، من خلال مبادئ وقيم وأسس راسخة، على تحقيق أقصى درجات الاستفادة للمشاركين في المعارض والفعاليات والمؤتمرات، سواء العارضين الدوليين والمحليين وكذلك الزوار ورجال الأعمال والمهتمين في الصناعة.

وكما يعلم الجميع بأهمية صناعة المعارض والأحداث المختلفة في دعم قطاعات اقتصادية متنوعة، نعمل في عبر المتوسط على أن تكون الفائدة عامة للجميع.

وإلى الملتقى في معارضنا ومؤتمراتنا المتجددة، ومعاً نخطوا على طريق النجاح.

محمود أبو زايد


A Message from our CEO

I extend my best wishes to everyone for success.

Through Pan Mediterranean International Exhibitions and Conferences, the leading company in organizing various and diverse commercial events and activities, and in line with the vision of Jordan's wise leadership to develop investment opportunities in the country, and for cooperation among all relevant sectors that work to accelerate the growth and development of businesses in Jordan and the region, we are pleased to be one of the companies supporting and sponsoring the development process and creating an attractive investment environment by organizing trade fairs and specialized international conferences that highlight Jordan's importance on the regional and international arena.

through solid principles, values, and foundations, we work in Pan Mediterranean to achieve the maximum benefit for the participants in exhibitions, events, and conferences, both international and local exhibitors as well as visitors, businessmen, and those interested in the industry.

As the known importance of the various exhibitions and events industry in supporting various economic sectors, we are working through Pan Mediterranean so that the benefit is general for all.

Goodbye until we meet in our next renewed exhibitions and conferences. Together we are stepping on the path to success.

Mahmoud Abu Zayed


Who We Are

The Pan Mediterranean Company for International Exhibitions and Conferences is one of the oldest exhibition companies in the Haematite Kingdom of Jordan. The company operates within standards, foundations, and a future vision with the aim of developing and supporting the local and international exhibitions and events industry and attracting exhibitors and visitors from inside and outside Jordan.

The company has a proven track record of successful specialized events, exhibitions, and conferences that the company has organized over the past two decades, whether in Jordan or abroad.

The company is characterized by a professional team specialized in the industry of exhibitions, events, marketing and entertainment festivals for all audiences, and specialized events aimed at the merchants and businessmen sector.

The company cooperates with international agents and companies to represent it in various countries and states, as well as international agencies and companies in Jordan.

The company offers a wide variety of services that meet the desires of international and local exhibitors alike, as well as visitors.

The company is looking forward to presenting everything new and distinctive in the world of the exhibition industry, in a way that benefits the various sectors and related commercial activities.


Our Values

Our values guide our actions and decisions every day and are essential to our mission to provide advanced services that help our customers achieve their goals.


We are eager to innovate every new thing that is useful to the industry of exhibitions.


We Don't Stop

Our business and goals are in continuous growth and development

Attention to Detail

Our strict work standards never fall short of delivering premium service

Customers Trust

We work hard to achieve customers' trust before all considerations.